Churches United Convention
Bishop Dukes and Pastor Deborah are passionate about building up the church and its leaders to be strong in Christ and take the lead in pushing God's agenda in the world. Each year Bishop Dukes and Pastor Deborah host an annual Churches United Convention where the Pastors, churches, ministry leaders and members of the 500+ Churches United churches around the world join together to receive vision, empowerment, training, leadership development, be strengthened in unity, enjoy a great time fellowship and more so they can effectively impact the Kingdom of God in a greater way. Learn more.
Pastors Advantage Summit
Bishop Dukes and Pastor Deborah are "Pastors to Pastors". Driven by their authentic passion to equip Pastors to effectively walk out their Kingdom assignment, Bishop Dukes and Pastor Deborah host a Pastors Advantage Summit to pour into Pastors, provide leadership development training, share wisdom for life and ministry, provide the tools to develop the vision, ministries and leaders of their church while enjoying a great time of fellowship. Details coming soon.

Pastors Wives Only
Pastor Deborah hosts recurring dynamic empowerment sessions throughout the year with the Pastors Wives of Churches United to share wisdom, insight and empowerment that equips them for their unique Kingdom assignment as Pastors Wives.
Passion and Purpose Conference
The Easter season provides one of the greatest evangelism opportunities for the Christian Church. Each year, Bishop Dukes and Pastor Deborah host a Passion and Purpose Conference to empower the Pastors and churches of Churches United with special trainings, empowerment sessions, ministry tools and resources to effectively reach and prepare for the harvest of souls that will come to Christ during this season. Learn more.

Readiness Conference
The Churches United Readiness Conference is held at the beginning of each year to get Churches United churches ready and in position to carry out what God wants to do in their personal lives and local church in the new year. Bishop Dukes and Pastor Deborah provide training through a series of dynamic sessions to empower Pastors and churches to understand their Kingdom role as the church and take the lead in making an impact for Christ in the new year. Details coming soon.
Men's Retreat
Bishop Dukes hosts an annual Men's Retreat where the Men of God break away from the busyness of life and come together to be empowered to carry out their Kingdom assignment as husbands, fathers, and strong Men of God in their homes, churches, communities and beyond! During this dynamic retreat, men receive life-changing teaching from Bishop Dukes while enjoying a host of recreational activities, relaxation, brotherly fellowship and more! Details coming soon.

Leadership Academy
Bishop Dukes and Pastor Deborah understand the principle that a church is as strong as its leadership. They provide recurring training throughout the year exclusively for the leaders of Churches United churches. These empowerment sessions equip leaders with the teaching and leadership development principles from the Word of God to serve as strong leaders and effectively carry out the Pastoral mission and vision of their local church.